The Charities Pensions Club enables pension professionals in the charity sector to meet, share knowledge and discuss topical matters. Our membership includes some of the UK's leading charities looking for expert insight and guidance.

Member Feedback
“It is very useful to be able to share information, ideas and issues on pensions with other charities. As charities we often have a different focus than other employers on pensions. The Charities Pension Club enables us to get together and discuss these. The network of contacts has been invaluable and enables a quick access to gain information and help on all sorts of pension questions.”
National Trust

Member Feedback
“The way we share pension information within the Club I was able to evidence to the insurer of our Plan that our AMC was out of kilter within the charitable sector for a charity of our size. The insurer agreed and the resulting reduction to our AMC will save our employees £74,000 per annum in charges. We also saved c.£4,000 in Advisor fees by not having to obtain the evidence from the Market.”

Join the CPC today and start sharing industry knowledge and best practice with some of the UK's leading charitable organisations.