The Charities Pensions Club holds various events throughout the year.
For 2024 these will be a mixture of in-person and virtual. Check out the calendar below to see what we have planned.
If you are thinking of joining the CPC then you can join the first meeting FREE! Contact us today to reserve your space.
Tuesday 11 February 2025
3.00pm - 4.00pm
Webinar: Case Study from Cancer Research UK on Their Defined Benefit (DB) Buy-in Journey to proposed Buy-out and subsequent Wind-up.
Online webinar via Teams.
Charities Pensions Club member Cancer Research UK (CRUK) are currently in the process of a proposed buy-in to wind-up journey of their DB scheme, and plan to have ‘insurance’ for a Buy-in in place for all members from March 2025.
Ian Hill, Pensions Manager at CRUK has kindly agreed to share his experience with the CPC.
This session will be held as an online webinar and will only be open to members of the club.
Previous Events in 2024
In March our Actuarial and DC Consultancy partner Isio hosted a session covering updates on:
Pension Dashboards
General Code of Practice
End Game Solutions
In May our legal partner Arc Pensions Law hosted a session covering:
General case law update: Recent cases on amendments (Virgin Media and BBC) and pension transfers/scams (PO Determinations)
Key legislative changes impacting pension schemes: Abolition of lifetime allowance and value for members vs value for money requirements
Managing trapped surplus: How can surpluses be trapped? Why is this a problem, particularly in the not-for-profit sector? What steps can be taken now to avoid a trapped surplus in the future?
In September we hosted our annual conference and covered the following:
Our professional trustee partner Pi Partnership held sessions on how to deliver good DB governance with limited budgets (see here for more information), and how to help DC scheme members successfully navigate the decumulation process.
Our actuarial partner Isio provided an introduction and overview on Collected Defined Contribution pension schemes and held a joint session on GMP equalisation.
Our legal partner Arc Pensions Law held a session wtih Isio on GMP equalisation and ran a session on common auto-enrolment pitfalls and how to avoid them.
We were delighted to welcome David Craddock, Senior Counsel at The Pensions Ombudsman as guest speaker to provide an update on their work.
We were also delighted to welcome Ben Clarkson, CFO and COO of Parkinson's UK to talk to us about aligning pension investment strategies with charity values.
In October the Pensions Regulator hosted a webinar for our club, Martin McNamara, Principal - Actuary (Strategy Policy and Analysis Directorate) from The Pensions Regulator provided an update on the Published Code of Practice for DB Funding.
In November our Professional Trustee partner Pi Partnerhsip hosted a session with udpates on:
Update on recent matters such as October budget, the Chancellor's Mansion House speech, US elections and COP 2024 and potential impact on pensions and investments.
AI in pensions including the benefits, areas where it falls short, and dive into its current practical applications in pension management.
Club News and Member Case Studies held in 2024 include:
Member Case Study: The Wellcome Trust Pensions Team Communications and Engagement Strategy
Results of the CPC Annual Member Survey
Guest Speaker Case Study: Aligning Pension Investment Strategies with Charity Values at Asthma + Lung UK.
Member Feedback
“Attending the CPC meetings gives you the opportunity to network with your peers and exchange ideas, which helps keeps fees down.”
Royal Mencap Society